The Michael Jackson Estate has now resulted to bullying MICHAEL JACKSON FANS!!! For which i can only assume is because this video wheras i spoke out against them!!

(For the record, I no longer support Howard Mann)


This Video recorded March 24th   was sent to John Branca by a hater five,  days later the Estate are “Trying” to register this Trademark: Go here: Click “Search Marks”  http://www.uspto.gov/trademarks/index.jsp   in search enter: THE OFFICIAL ONLINE TEAM OF THE MICHAEL JACKSON ESTATE


Notice date applied for this mark on 29th March. My domain name was acquired Feb 8th, so they have no grounds to come along and BULLY me!! See Law: http://www.icann.org/en/dndr/udrp/policy.htm


Needless to say i will fight them, I wont publish my evidence here: As i don’t want to fore-warn them. There are hundreds of sites using the name MICHAEL JACKSON! Its interesting they are NOT going after any of those. Or this company in Germany sitting on a mountain of MICHAEL JACKSON trademarks  (search here:http://www.uspto.gov/trademarks/index.jsp   enter MICHAEL JACKSON:  See this mark number: 77788663)    Instead they have chosen to go after me!!


I have dedicated my time to informing fans around the world on the local news relating as we do not trust the main stream media. Its simple and clear THEY WANT TO SHUT ME UP!

Note on P8 of their complaint “this Complaint is not being presented for any improper purpose, such as to “harass,” Really, explain this NONSENSE then!


Triumph International Inc. v TAAJ – The complaint+Exhibits



Triumph complaint rejected, Amended complaint


2. UDR notice of amended+amended complaint


Notices from National Arbitration Forum


3. UDR Notices



Cannot locate my reply,  to which they responded with Additional submission +


5. Additional Submission. Triumph


Additional response + Exhibits



6. UDR additionion Response+exhibits





7. DECISION triumph international inc. -- icann policy-



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